Once you have clumpedr installed (see the README), you can first load the libraries:

load the packages that we use

  # library(tidyverse)  # a few of the below and many more
  library(glue)      # optional, if you want to glue strings together
  library(dplyr)     # for pipes, mutate, summarise, etc.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
  library(tidyr)     # for nesting/unnesting
  library(ggplot2)   # for plots!

  library(isoreader) # read in raw data
#> Attaching package: 'isoreader'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
  library(clumpedr)  # this package! process clumped isotope data

get your data from raw instrument data into R

load data from a remote

First locate where you have your raw data files stored.

Here I show how I load data from a remote Windows samba server on my GNU/Linux machine.

Of course you can also just copy your files and paste them in a folder you desire.

folderstr <- "/run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=geofile02.geo.uu.nl,share=geo-labs/@RawData"
# read all did files
dids <- iso_read_dual_inlet(glue("{folderstr}/253pluskiel/Raw Data/Kiel Raw Data"),
                            cache = FALSE,
                            discard_duplicates = FALSE,
                            parallel = TRUE)

It is nice to save a cache/backup as an R data structure file, which we can read in much faster.

iso_save(dids, "out/dids.di.rds")

load from the cache

Once we have saved the r data storage (.rds) file, we can load it much faster than the raw data.

dids  <- iso_read_dual_inlet("out/dids.di.rds")

I have made some standard data available here so as to run the tests, or a single did file for an ETH-3 standard.

See their documentation with the following code:


process the data!

We save the file info separately, since we will have to refer to it for some plots.

stdinfo <- iso_get_file_info(standards)
#> Info: aggregating file info from 27 data file(s)
#> Rows: 27
#> Columns: 21
#> $ file_id               <chr> "180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did", "180814_75_IAM_10_I…
#> $ file_root             <chr> "/home/japhir/Documents/archive/motu/dids/_18081…
#> $ file_path             <chr> "180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did", "180814_75_IAM_10_I…
#> $ file_subpath          <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ file_datetime         <dttm> 2018-08-14 15:08:12, 2018-08-14 20:43:58, 2018-…
#> $ file_size             <int> 758773, 758965, 758927, 758639, 758899, 758899, …
#> $ Row                   <chr> "1", "10", "11", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "…
#> $ `Peak Center`         <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"…
#> $ Background            <chr> "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"…
#> $ Pressadjust           <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"…
#> $ `Reference Refill`    <chr> "1", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0"…
#> $ Line                  <chr> "1", "2", "1", "2", "1", "2", "1", "2", "1", "2"…
#> $ Sample                <chr> "2", "6", "7", "2", "3", "3", "4", "4", "5", "5"…
#> $ `Weight [mg]`         <chr> "72", "84", "90", "100", "72", "86", "76", "85",…
#> $ `Identifier 1`        <chr> "ETH-3", "IAEA-C2", "IAEA-C1", "ETH-3", "ETH-1",…
#> $ Analysis              <chr> "4841", "4850", "4851", "4842", "4843", "4844", …
#> $ Comment               <chr> "STD", "IAM", "IAM", "STD", "STD", "STD", "STD",…
#> $ Preparation           <chr> "75", "75", "75", "75", "75", "75", "75", "75", …
#> $ Method                <chr> "Clumped LIDI Kiel.met", "Clumped LIDI Kiel.met"…
#> $ measurement_info      <list> <"Acid: 69.7 [°C]", "LeakRate [µBar/Min]:  132 …
#> $ MS_integration_time.s <dbl> 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, …

This would also be the place to add potential fixes to typos in the file info using isoreader::iso_mutate_file_info().

run the processing step-by-step

Note that normally, it is faster and smarter not to save the output of every step as a separate tibble, but in this case we do it so that we can easily inspect the results along the way. See the end of the vignette for the single pipeline.

filter measurements of interest

First we filter out the measurements we want, based on the Method name.

We use a regular expression, or regexp. They are very useful ways of looking for patterns in strings.

Note that I put the name of the newly generated object at the end here for this and future code chunks, so we print() the result for inspection.

filt <- standards |>
  # we can subset to some files of interest (e.g., based on a regular expression)
  # in this case we subset to all the runs that have a "Clumped" method.
  iso_filter_files(grepl("Clumped.*met", Method))
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 27 of 27 files
#> Data from 27 dual inlet iso files: 
#> # A tibble: 27 × 6
#>    file_id                file_path_ file_subpath raw_data file_info method_info
#>    <chr>                  <chr>      <chr>        <glue>   <chr>     <chr>      
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_10_IAEA… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_11_IAEA… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_2_ETH-3… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_3_ETH-1… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_4_ETH-1… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_5_ETH-2… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_6_ETH-2… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_7_ETH-4… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_8_ETH-4… 180814_75… NA           40 cycl… 21 entri… standards,…
#> # ℹ 17 more rows

extract raw data

Then we extract the raw data. This gives it in a format where each row is one cycle of either standard or sample gas, with initensities 44–49 as columns.

rawd <- filt |>
  # get all the raw data, per cycle from the dids
  iso_get_raw_data(include_file_info = "Analysis")
#> Info: aggregating raw data from 27 data file(s), including file info '"Analysis"'
#> # A tibble: 2,187 × 11
#>    file_id Analysis type  cycle v44.mV v45.mV v46.mV v47.mV v48.mV v49.mV v54.mV
#>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr> <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 180814… 4841     stan…     0 16647. 19675. 23072. 25664.  2124.  -268.  -270.
#>  2 180814… 4841     stan…     1 16406. 19391. 22738. 25293.  2094.  -264.  -265.
#>  3 180814… 4841     stan…     2 16153. 19091. 22387. 24899.  2062.  -259.  -261.
#>  4 180814… 4841     stan…     3 15891. 18782. 22024. 24502.  2029.  -255.  -257.
#>  5 180814… 4841     stan…     4 15631. 18476. 21665. 24100.  1997.  -250.  -252.
#>  6 180814… 4841     stan…     5 15383. 18182. 21321. 23717.  1964.  -246.  -249.
#>  7 180814… 4841     stan…     6 15135. 17889. 20978. 23336.  1934.  -241.  -244.
#>  8 180814… 4841     stan…     7 14892. 17603. 20641. 22959.  1903.  -237.  -240.
#>  9 180814… 4841     stan…     8 14656. 17323. 20313. 22600.  1873.  -234.  -236.
#> 10 180814… 4841     stan…     9 14422. 17047. 19990. 22234.  1844.  -229.  -232.
#> # ℹ 2,177 more rows

disable failed cycles

This disables any cycles that have a sudden drop in pressure/intensity.

disc <- rawd |>
  mutate(dis_min = 500, dis_max = 50000, dis_fac = 3) |>
  find_bad_cycles(min = "dis_min", max = "dis_max",
                  fac = "dis_fac", relative_to = "init")
#> Info: found 0 out of 27 acquisitions with a drop in pressure of mass 44.
disc |> select(file_id, outlier_cycle_low:outlier_cycle)
#> # A tibble: 2,187 × 10
#>    file_id        outlier_cycle_low outlier_cycle_high cycle_diff first_diff_fac
#>    <chr>          <lgl>             <lgl>                   <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -241.          -723.
#>  2 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -254.          -723.
#>  3 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -262.          -723.
#>  4 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -259.          -723.
#>  5 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -249.          -723.
#>  6 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -248.          -723.
#>  7 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -243.          -723.
#>  8 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -237.          -723.
#>  9 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -234.          -723.
#> 10 180814_75_IAM… FALSE             FALSE                   -226.          -723.
#> # ℹ 2,177 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: cycle_drop <lgl>, cycle_has_drop <lgl>,
#> #   cycle_drop_num <int>, outlier_cycle_drop <lgl>, outlier_cycle <lgl>

find initial intensities of each cycle

inits <- get_inits(rawd)
#> # A tibble: 27 × 4
#>    file_id                      Analysis s44_init r44_init
#>    <chr>                        <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did    4841       16368.   16647.
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_10_IAEA-C2.did 4850       17072.   17463.
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_11_IAEA-C1.did 4851       18887.   19526.
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_2_ETH-3.did    4842       23711.   24487.
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_3_ETH-1.did    4843       13337.   13713.
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_4_ETH-1.did    4844       17347.   17681.
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_5_ETH-2.did    4845       17347.   17726.
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_6_ETH-2.did    4846       19338.   19731.
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_7_ETH-4.did    4847       16709.   17037.
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_8_ETH-4.did    4848       16031.   16123.
#> # ℹ 17 more rows

background correction

Do a very simple background correction based on the half-cup mass 54.

bgds <- disc |>
  correct_backgrounds(factor = 0.82)
#> Info: adding background based on half-mass with factor 0.82
bgds |> select(file_id, v47.mV, v54.mV)
#> # A tibble: 2,187 × 3
#>    file_id                   v47.mV v54.mV
#>    <chr>                      <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 25886.  -270.
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 25510.  -265.
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 25113.  -261.
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 24713.  -257.
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 24307.  -252.
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 23921.  -249.
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 23537.  -244.
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 23156.  -240.
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 22794.  -236.
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did 22425.  -232.
#> # ℹ 2,177 more rows

This overwrites the v47.mV column by subtracting factor * the v54.mV column from v47.mV.

For a background correction based on background scans performed before each run we have to get the raw scan data into R.

We can do this with:

  scns <- iso_read_scan("scan_file.scn", cache = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)

Processing the background scan files in this way is beyond the scope of this vignette for now, since the functions that do the work are not generalized enough to work for other set-ups.

See our clumped-processing scripts for how we do background corrections and implement the full clumped isotope workflow at Utrecht University.

spread match

First we re-order the data into a wide format, where sample and reference gas intensities are listed next to each other as separate columns using the gather-unite-spread approach.

Then we compare reference gas to sample gas. With the method="normal", this would calculate the average of first and second cycles for the reference gas. We can also use a work-in-progress linear interpolation (method="linterp") to match the mass 44 intensity of the reference gas to that of the sample gas and apply this same shift to all the other masses. At present, it performs more poorly than the regular calculation though, probably due to cycle elimination.

For example, we convert from the below:

file_id type cycle v44.mV v45.mV v46.mV v47.mV v54.mV
"file_1.did" "sample" 1 1200 1100 1000 5000 -302
"file_1.did" "standard" 0 1300 1100 1000 5000 -260
"file_1.did" "standard" 1 1200 1120 1020 5020 -230

to the following output:

file_id file_datetime cycle s44 s45 s46 s47 s54 r44 r45 r46 r47 r54
"file_1.did" 2019-03-01 12:00:00 1 1200 1100 1000 5000 -302 1250 1110 1010 5010 -245
sprd <- bgds |>
  spread_match(method = "normal")
#> Info: reshaping data into wide format.
#> Info: matching working gas intensities to sample gas, using method normal
sprd |> select(file_id, r44:s49)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 14
#>    file_id       r44    r45    r46    r47   r48   r49   r54    s44    s45    s46
#>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75… 16527. 19533. 22905. 25698. 2109. -266. -268. 16368. 19438. 22942.
#>  2 180814_75… 16280. 19241. 22562. 25312. 2078. -261. -263. 16087. 19104. 22548.
#>  3 180814_75… 16022. 18937. 22205. 24913. 2046. -257. -259. 15811. 18777. 22162.
#>  4 180814_75… 15761. 18629. 21844. 24510. 2013. -252. -255. 15540. 18455. 21783.
#>  5 180814_75… 15507. 18329. 21493. 24114. 1980. -248. -250. 15275. 18141. 21411.
#>  6 180814_75… 15259. 18036. 21149. 23729. 1949. -244. -246. 15016. 17833. 21049.
#>  7 180814_75… 15014. 17746. 20810. 23346. 1918. -239. -242. 14762. 17531. 20693.
#>  8 180814_75… 14774. 17463. 20477. 22975. 1888. -236. -238. 14513. 17236. 20344.
#>  9 180814_75… 14539. 17185. 20152. 22609. 1858. -232. -234. 14269. 16946. 20001.
#> 10 180814_75… 14309. 16913. 19833. 22250. 1829. -228. -230. 14030. 16662. 19667.
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: s47 <dbl>, s48 <dbl>, s49 <dbl>

extract reference gas d13C and d18O values

refd <- sprd |>
#> Info: collapsing cycles, calculating sample summaries.
#> Info: appending reference gas δ values from 27 data file(s)
refd |> select(file_id, d13C_PDB_wg:d18O_PDBCO2_wg)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 3
#>    file_id                   d13C_PDB_wg d18O_PDBCO2_wg
#>    <chr>                           <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -2.82          -4.67
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows

calculate little delta’s and clumped values

Now we can go to the bread and butter of clumpedr, delta calculations!

abd <- refd |>
  abundance_ratios(i44 = s44, i45 = s45, i46 = s46, i47 = s47, i48 = s48, i49 = s49) |>
  abundance_ratios(i44 = r44, i45 = r45, i46 = r46, i47 = r47, i48 = r48, i49 = r49,
                   R45 = R45_wg, R46 = R46_wg, R47 = R47_wg, R48 = R48_wg, R49 = R49_wg)
#> Info: calculating abundance ratios R[i] = i / 44
#> Info: calculating abundance ratios R[i] = i / 44
abd |> select(file_id, R45:R49_wg)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 11
#>    file_id     R45   R46   R47   R48     R49 R45_wg R46_wg R47_wg R48_wg  R49_wg
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0161   1.18   1.39   1.55  0.128 -0.0161
#>  2 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0161   1.18   1.39   1.55  0.128 -0.0160
#>  3 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0161   1.18   1.39   1.55  0.128 -0.0160
#>  4 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0161   1.18   1.39   1.56  0.128 -0.0160
#>  5 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0161   1.18   1.39   1.56  0.128 -0.0160
#>  6 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0160   1.18   1.39   1.56  0.128 -0.0160
#>  7 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0160   1.18   1.39   1.55  0.128 -0.0159
#>  8 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0160   1.18   1.39   1.56  0.128 -0.0159
#>  9 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0159   1.18   1.39   1.56  0.128 -0.0159
#> 10 180814_7…  1.19  1.40  1.58 0.131 -0.0160   1.18   1.39   1.55  0.128 -0.0159
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
dlts <- abd |>
#> Info: calculating δ values with (Ri / Ri_wg - 1) * 1000
# this contains some more columns, but just showing the ones of interest for now
dlts |> select(file_id, d45:d49)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 6
#>    file_id                     d45   d46   d47   d48   d49
#>    <chr>                     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.77  11.3  15.8  23.9  1.75
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.7  23.9  4.50
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.75  11.3  15.7  24.0  3.10
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.75  11.3  15.6  23.2  5.34
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.6  25.0  4.63
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.7  24.6  2.54
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.6  23.7  2.19
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.7  24.0  2.97
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.5  24.1  1.00
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did  4.76  11.3  15.9  24.9  2.53
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
bigD <- dlts |>
  mutate(Mineralogy = "Calcite") |>
#> Info: calculating δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O, and Δ's.
  # outlier on the cycle level now contains all the reasons for cycle outliers
# it calculates more columns, but we show some of the new ones here:
bigD |> select(file_id, R13_wg:R17, C12, C626, C628, C828, # some columns not shown here
               d18O_PDB, d13C_PDB, R47_stoch, D47_raw)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 12
#>    file_id  R13_wg  R18_wg     R17   C12  C626    C628    C828 d18O_PDB d13C_PDB
#>    <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.12     1.85
#>  2 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.12     1.85
#>  3 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.13     1.84
#>  4 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.13     1.83
#>  5 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.14     1.84
#>  6 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.13     1.84
#>  7 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.11     1.85
#>  8 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.10     1.84
#>  9 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.10     1.84
#> 10 180814_… 0.0111 0.00208 3.94e-4 0.989 0.984 0.00414 4.35e-6    -2.12     1.84
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: R47_stoch <dbl>, D47_raw <dbl>

collapse cycles: calculate averages and standard deviations

coll <- bigD |>
  collapse_cycles(cols = c(d13C_PDB, d18O_PDB, D47_raw), id = c(file_id, Analysis))
#> Info: collapsing cycles, calculating sample summaries.
#> defaulting to mean, sd, n, sem, and 95% cl
  # in the future we may want to use this nicer nesting approach?
  # It doesn't calculate summaries yet though.
  # nest_cycle_data(bgs = NULL)
coll |> select(file_id, d13C_PDB_mean, D47_raw_mean, D47_raw_cl)
#> # A tibble: 27 × 4
#>    file_id                      d13C_PDB_mean D47_raw_mean D47_raw_cl
#>    <chr>                                <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did             1.85      -0.506      0.0319
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_10_IAEA-C2.did         -8.35       0.0627     0.0346
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_11_IAEA-C1.did          2.29      -0.256      0.0296
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_2_ETH-3.did             1.87      -0.402      0.0280
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_3_ETH-1.did             1.55       0.0717     0.0326
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_4_ETH-1.did             1.55       0.0592     0.0284
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_5_ETH-2.did           -10.3       -0.321      0.0324
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_6_ETH-2.did           -10.3       -0.330      0.0262
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_7_ETH-4.did           -10.4       -0.185      0.0335
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_8_ETH-4.did           -10.4       -0.159      0.0308
#> # ℹ 17 more rows

append metadata

This just left_join()s the metadata based on file_id, so that we can use it for outlier removal etc.

dati <- coll |>
  add_info(stdinfo, cols = c("file_root", "file_path", "file_subpath",
                             "file_datetime", "file_size", "Row",
                             "Peak Center", "Background", "Pressadjust",
                             "Reference Refill", "Line", "Sample",
                             "Weight [mg]", "Identifier 1", "Comment",
                             "Preparation", "Method", "measurement_info",
                             "MS_integration_time.s")) |>
  add_info(inits, cols = c("s44_init", "r44_init"))
#> Info: appending measurement information.
#> Info: appending measurement information.
dati |> select(file_id, file_root:r44_init)
#> # A tibble: 27 × 22
#>    file_id  file_root file_path file_subpath file_datetime       file_size Row  
#>    <chr>    <chr>     <chr>     <chr>        <dttm>                  <int> <chr>
#>  1 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 15:08:12    758773 1    
#>  2 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 20:43:58    758965 10   
#>  3 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 21:26:15    758927 11   
#>  4 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 15:46:26    758639 2    
#>  5 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 16:23:09    758899 3    
#>  6 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 17:00:08    758899 4    
#>  7 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 17:37:45    759883 5    
#>  8 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 18:19:02    760017 6    
#>  9 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 18:54:34    759943 7    
#> 10 180814_… /home/ja… 180814_7… NA           2018-08-14 19:30:26    759883 8    
#> # ℹ 17 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: `Peak Center` <chr>, Background <chr>,
#> #   Pressadjust <chr>, `Reference Refill` <chr>, Line <chr>, Sample <chr>,
#> #   `Weight [mg]` <chr>, `Identifier 1` <chr>, Comment <chr>,
#> #   Preparation <chr>, Method <chr>, measurement_info <list>,
#> #   MS_integration_time.s <dbl>, s44_init <dbl>, r44_init <dbl>

remove outliers

Based on several criteria, we can get rid of outliers. This needs to happen before the Empirical Reference Frame is calculated and applied.

Here we just filter outliers based on initial intensities.

rout <- dati |>
  unnest(cols = cycle_data) |>
  find_init_outliers(init_low = 4000, init_high = 40000, init_diff = 3000) |>
#> Info: identifying aliquots with 4000 > i44_init & i44_init < 40000, s44 - r44 > 3000.
#> Info: creating a single `outlier` column, based on all "outlier_" columns.
rout |> select(file_id, starts_with("outlier"))
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 17
#>    file_id    outlier_cycle_low_r44 outlier_cycle_low_s44 outlier_cycle_high_r44
#>    <chr>      <lgl>                 <lgl>                 <lgl>                 
#>  1 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  2 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  3 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  4 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  5 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  6 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  7 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  8 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#>  9 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#> 10 180814_75… FALSE                 FALSE                 FALSE                 
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
#> # ℹ 13 more variables: outlier_cycle_high_s44 <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_cycle_drop_r44 <lgl>, outlier_cycle_drop_s44 <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_cycle_r44 <lgl>, outlier_cycle_s44 <lgl>, outlier_cycle <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_s44_init_low <lgl>, outlier_r44_init_low <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_s44_init_high <lgl>, outlier_r44_init_high <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_i44_init_diff <lgl>, outlier_init <lgl>, outlier <lgl>

empirical transfer function

detf <- rout |>
  append_expected_values(std_names = c("ETH-1", "ETH-2", "ETH-3"),
                         # I-CDES values (make sure to double-check which ones you use!)
                         std_values = c(0.2052, 0.2085, 0.6132)) |>
  calculate_etf() |>
#> Info: Applying ETF to D47_raw using α = slope and β = intercept.
#> Info: Calculating ETF with D47_raw_mean as a function of expected_D47 for each Preparation.
#> Info: Appending expected values as expected_D47 for standards ETH-1 ETH-2 and ETH-3
  ## or the three functions above combined into one function
  ## empirical_transfer_function()
detf |> select(file_id, expected_D47:D47_etf)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 7
#>    file_id                 expected_D47 etf   etf_coefs intercept slope  D47_etf
#>    <chr>                          <dbl> <lis> <list>        <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497  0.158  
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.00983
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.0288 
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.214  
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.186  
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.0585 
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.179  
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.0275 
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497 -0.470  
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.…        0.613 <lm>  <dbl [2]>    -0.408 0.497  0.346  
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows

temperature calculation

temp <- detf |>
  mutate(slope = 0.0397, intercept = 0.1518) |>
  temperature_calculation(D47 = D47_etf, slope = "slope", intercept = "intercept")
#> Info: calculating temperature with slope 0.0397 and intercept 0.1518, ignoring uncertainty in the calibration.
#> If you would like to include temperature uncertainty using bootstrapping, see the package `clumpedcalib` on <https://github.com/japhir/clumpedcalib>
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `temperature = revcal(...)`.
#> Caused by warning in `sqrt()`:
#> ! NaNs produced
temp |> select(file_id, D47_raw_mean, D47_etf, temperature)
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 4
#>    file_id                   D47_raw_mean  D47_etf temperature
#>    <chr>                            <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506  0.158         2181.
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.00983        NaN 
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.0288         NaN 
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.214          NaN 
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.186          NaN 
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.0585         NaN 
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.179          NaN 
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.0275         NaN 
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506 -0.470          NaN 
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1_ETH-3.did       -0.506  0.346          179.
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows

Note that in the case of many small replicates, it is better to do your analysis based on the D47 values and then convert to temperature in the final phase of your analysis, rather than here at the aliquot level.

Furthermore, error propagation of the calibration uncertainty is not incorporated here. If you would like to include temperature uncertainty using bootstrapping, see the package clumpedcalib on https://github.com/japhir/clumpedcalib.

plots and summary

We can create some summary plots, i.e. of the final D47 values for each standard:

# create a tibble that holds heights for text annotations
summ <- temp |>
  group_by(`Identifier 1`) |>
  summarise(y = max(D47_etf, na.rm = TRUE) + .05, n = n())

temp |>
  ggplot(aes(x = `Identifier 1`, y = D47_etf)) +
  geom_violin(aes(group = `Identifier 1`, fill = `Identifier 1`), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_jitter(aes(colour = `Identifier 1`), width = .05, alpha = .6) +
  geom_text(aes(x = `Identifier 1`, y = y, label = n), data = summ, inherit.aes = FALSE)

If you do not understand any of the steps, look at the function documentation (e.g.: ?empirical_transfer_function) or look at the source code (type the function name without parentheses into the command line).


Here are all the steps in one pipeline:

stdinfo <- iso_get_file_info(standards)
#> Info: aggregating file info from 27 data file(s)

inits <- get_inits(iso_get_raw_data(standards, include_file_info = "Analysis"))
#> Info: aggregating raw data from 27 data file(s), including file info '"Analysis"'

standards |>
  iso_filter_files(grepl("Clumped.*met", Method)) |>
  iso_get_raw_data(include_file_info = "Analysis") |>
  mutate(dis_min = 500, dis_max = 50000, dis_fac = 3) |>
  find_bad_cycles(min = "dis_min", max = "dis_max",
                  fac = "dis_fac", relative_to = "init") |>
  correct_backgrounds(0.82) |>
  spread_match(method = "normal") |>
  append_ref_deltas(standards) |>
  abundance_ratios(i44 = s44, i45 = s45, i46 = s46, i47 = s47, i48 = s48, i49 = s49) |>
  abundance_ratios(i44 = r44, i45 = r45, i46 = r46, i47 = r47, i48 = r48, i49 = r49,
                   R45 = R45_wg, R46 = R46_wg, R47 = R47_wg, R48 = R48_wg, R49 = R49_wg) |>
  little_deltas() |>
  mutate(Mineralogy = "Calcite") |>
  bulk_and_clumping_deltas() |>
  # outlier on the cycle level now contains all the reasons for cycle outliers
  summarise_outlier(quiet = TRUE) |>
  collapse_cycles(cols = c(d18O_PDBCO2, d13C_PDB, D47_raw), id = c(file_id, Analysis)) |>
  add_info(stdinfo, cols = c("file_root", "file_path", "file_subpath",
                             "file_datetime", "file_size", "Row",
                             "Peak Center", "Background", "Pressadjust",
                             "Reference Refill", "Line", "Sample",
                             "Weight [mg]", "Identifier 1", "Comment",
                             "Preparation", "Method", "measurement_info",
                             "MS_integration_time.s")) |>
  add_info(inits, cols = c("s44_init", "r44_init")) |>
  unnest(cols = cycle_data) |>
  find_init_outliers(init_low = 4000, init_high = 40000, init_diff = 3000) |>
  summarize_outlier() |>
  empirical_transfer_function() |>
  mutate(slope = 0.0397, intercept = 0.1518) |>
  temperature_calculation(D47 = D47_etf, slope = "slope", intercept = "intercept")
#> Info: calculating and applying Emperical Transfer Function, with D47_raw as a function of expected_D47, for each Preparation.
#> Info: collapsing cycles, calculating sample summaries.
#> defaulting to mean, sd, n, sem, and 95% cl
#> Info: adding background based on half-mass with factor 0.82
#> Info: applying file filter, keeping 27 of 27 files
#> Info: aggregating raw data from 27 data file(s), including file info '"Analysis"'
#> Info: found 0 out of 27 acquisitions with a drop in pressure of mass 44.
#> Info: reshaping data into wide format.
#> Info: matching working gas intensities to sample gas, using method normal
#> Info: collapsing cycles, calculating sample summaries.
#> Info: appending reference gas δ values from 27 data file(s)
#> Info: calculating abundance ratios R[i] = i / 44
#> Info: calculating abundance ratios R[i] = i / 44
#> Info: calculating δ values with (Ri / Ri_wg - 1) * 1000
#> Info: calculating δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O, and Δ's.
#> Info: appending measurement information.
#> Info: appending measurement information.
#> Info: identifying aliquots with 4000 > i44_init & i44_init < 40000, s44 - r44 > 3000.
#> Info: creating a single `outlier` column, based on all "outlier_" columns.
#> Info: calculating temperature with slope 0.0397 and intercept 0.1518, ignoring uncertainty in the calibration.
#> If you would like to include temperature uncertainty using bootstrapping, see the package `clumpedcalib` on <https://github.com/japhir/clumpedcalib>
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `temperature = revcal(...)`.
#> Caused by warning in `sqrt()`:
#> ! NaNs produced
#> # A tibble: 1,080 × 149
#>    Preparation file_id    Analysis cycle    r44    r45    r46    r47   r48   r49
#>    <chr>       <chr>      <chr>    <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 75          180814_75… 4841         1 16527. 19533. 22905. 25698. 2109. -266.
#>  2 75          180814_75… 4841         2 16280. 19241. 22562. 25312. 2078. -261.
#>  3 75          180814_75… 4841         3 16022. 18937. 22205. 24913. 2046. -257.
#>  4 75          180814_75… 4841         4 15761. 18629. 21844. 24510. 2013. -252.
#>  5 75          180814_75… 4841         5 15507. 18329. 21493. 24114. 1980. -248.
#>  6 75          180814_75… 4841         6 15259. 18036. 21149. 23729. 1949. -244.
#>  7 75          180814_75… 4841         7 15014. 17746. 20810. 23346. 1918. -239.
#>  8 75          180814_75… 4841         8 14774. 17463. 20477. 22975. 1888. -236.
#>  9 75          180814_75… 4841         9 14539. 17185. 20152. 22609. 1858. -232.
#> 10 75          180814_75… 4841        10 14309. 16913. 19833. 22250. 1829. -228.
#> # ℹ 1,070 more rows
#> # ℹ 139 more variables: r54 <dbl>, s44 <dbl>, s45 <dbl>, s46 <dbl>, s47 <dbl>,
#> #   s48 <dbl>, s49 <dbl>, s54 <dbl>, outlier_cycle_low_r44 <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_cycle_low_s44 <lgl>, outlier_cycle_high_r44 <lgl>,
#> #   outlier_cycle_high_s44 <lgl>, cycle_diff_r44 <dbl>, cycle_diff_s44 <dbl>,
#> #   cycle_drop_r44 <lgl>, cycle_drop_s44 <lgl>, cycle_drop_num_r44 <int>,
#> #   cycle_drop_num_s44 <int>, outlier_cycle_drop_r44 <lgl>, …

HINT: look at plots interactively

Note that it is very nice to look at this plot—or any of the future ones—interactively using ggplotly:

plotly::toWebGL(plotly::ggplotly(dynamicTicks = TRUE))

This creates an interactive version of the last plot in your browser.

You can also assign extra aesthetics that you do not directly see to your plot, for example aes(ID = file_id, no = Analysis) and this information will show up when you hover a point.

Note that we use the toWebGL wrapper to make it run smoother for plots with many points.