Append the expected values for the standards. Defaults to using ETH-1–ETH-3.

  std_names = paste0("ETH-", 1:3),
  std_values = c(0.2052, 0.2085, 0.6132),
  exp = expected_D47,
  by = `Identifier 1`,
  quiet = NULL



A tibble.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Names of the standards.


Expected values of the standards. Defaults to Bernasconi et al., 2021.


Name of the new column that will hold expected values.


Name of the standard/sample identifier column.


If TRUE, print info messages. If NULL (default) listens to options(clumpedr.quiet)


Same as .data but with new column in exp.


Bernasconi, S. M., Daëron, M., Bergmann, K. D., Bonifacie, M., Meckler, A. N., Affek, H. P., Anderson, N., Bajnai, D., Barkan, E., Beverly, E., Blamart, D., Burgener, L., Calmels, D., Chaduteau, C., Clog, M., Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Davies, A., Dux, F., Eiler, J., … Ziegler, M. (2021). InterCarb: A community effort to improve inter-laboratory standardization of the carbonate clumped isotope thermometer using carbonate standards. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22.

See also

Other empirical transfer functions: apply_etf(), calculate_etf(), empirical_transfer_function()


standards |>
  isoreader::iso_get_raw_data(include_file_info = "Identifier 1") |>
  append_expected_values(std_names = c("ETH-1", "ETH-2", "ETH-3"),
                         std_values = c(0.2052, 0.2085, 0.6132),
                         exp = expected_D47,
                         by = `Identifier 1`)
#> Info: Appending expected values as expected_D47 for standards ETH-1 ETH-2 and ETH-3
#> Info: aggregating raw data from 27 data file(s), including file info '"Identifier 1"'
#> # A tibble: 2,187 × 12
#>    file_id  `Identifier 1` type  cycle v44.mV v45.mV v46.mV v47.mV v48.mV v49.mV
#>    <chr>    <chr>          <chr> <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     0 16647. 19675. 23072. 25664.  2124.  -268.
#>  2 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     1 16406. 19391. 22738. 25293.  2094.  -264.
#>  3 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     2 16153. 19091. 22387. 24899.  2062.  -259.
#>  4 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     3 15891. 18782. 22024. 24502.  2029.  -255.
#>  5 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     4 15631. 18476. 21665. 24100.  1997.  -250.
#>  6 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     5 15383. 18182. 21321. 23717.  1964.  -246.
#>  7 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     6 15135. 17889. 20978. 23336.  1934.  -241.
#>  8 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     7 14892. 17603. 20641. 22959.  1903.  -237.
#>  9 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     8 14656. 17323. 20313. 22600.  1873.  -234.
#> 10 180814_… ETH-3          stan…     9 14422. 17047. 19990. 22234.  1844.  -229.
#> # ℹ 2,177 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: v54.mV <dbl>, expected_D47 <dbl>