This function applies a very simple background correction based on the cup 54 intensity and an input scaling factor.

  i47 = v47.mV,
  i54 = v54.mV,
  quiet = default(quiet)



The dataframe with raw iso files.


Factor by which to multiply the half-cup before subtraction.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Column with mass 47 intensities to correct. Defaults to v47.mV.


Column with mass 47.5 intensities to use for correction. Defaults to v54.mV.


If TRUE, print info messages. If NULL (default) listens to options(clumpedr.quiet)


Same as .data but with altered i47 column.


# generate some fake data
dat <- tibble::tibble(v47.mV = seq(0, 1, length.out = 10), v54.mV = seq(.1, 0, length.out = 10))
# correct the mass 47 using the half-cup
dat <- dat |> correct_backgrounds(factor = 1)
#> Info: adding background based on half-mass with factor 1
# or use the example data included
isoreader::iso_get_raw_data(standards) |>
#> Info: adding background based on half-mass with factor 1.1
#> Info: aggregating raw data from 27 data file(s)
#> # A tibble: 2,187 × 10
#>    file_id          type  cycle v44.mV v45.mV v46.mV v47.mV v48.mV v49.mV v54.mV
#>    <chr>            <chr> <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     0 16647. 19675. 23072. 25961.  2124.  -268.  -270.
#>  2 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     1 16406. 19391. 22738. 25585.  2094.  -264.  -265.
#>  3 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     2 16153. 19091. 22387. 25186.  2062.  -259.  -261.
#>  4 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     3 15891. 18782. 22024. 24785.  2029.  -255.  -257.
#>  5 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     4 15631. 18476. 21665. 24378.  1997.  -250.  -252.
#>  6 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     5 15383. 18182. 21321. 23991.  1964.  -246.  -249.
#>  7 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     6 15135. 17889. 20978. 23605.  1934.  -241.  -244.
#>  8 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     7 14892. 17603. 20641. 23223.  1903.  -237.  -240.
#>  9 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     8 14656. 17323. 20313. 22860.  1873.  -234.  -236.
#> 10 180814_75_IAM_1… stan…     9 14422. 17047. 19990. 22490.  1844.  -229.  -232.
#> # ℹ 2,177 more rows